Posts Tagged ‘avoid’

New updates from the trenches — more reasons to avoid attending acupuncture school

I just read the updated POCA articles below (thanks Shauna!).  Can we say u-g-l-y?  People who invested a  fortune in an education with the goal of helping others are having a hard time getting by.

I define a good standard of living as being able to live a life relatively free of financial stress,  feeling prepared should misfortunes fall and being able to look after oneself.

The majority of acupuncturists don’t have this standard unless they work at exploiting other people (think acupuncture schools, the way I’m thinking about Pacific College of Oriental Medicine).  How many school administrators are laughing their way to the bank as earnest students and graduates mortgage their futures to an overpriced education with zero job prospects?  I say zero job prospects because $35K per year, which seems to be the average annual salary of an acupuncturist in 2012 (according to the posts below) DOES NOT AFFORD ANYONE A GOOD STANDARD OF LIVING (the reason for working in the first place).

Let’s say it again:  AVOID ACUPUNCTURE SCHOOL.