Bananas for acupuncture school

Bananas for acupuncture school

Has anyone read about Henry Gribbohm?  He’s a 30 year old who spent his life savings trying to win an x-box Kinect (retail value is roughly $300) at a carnival.  So, some $2600 later, he walked away with a giant stuffed banana with dreads.

Yes, you guessed it.  I am comparing acupuncture students to Henry Gribbohm; poor saps who are spending the equivalent of a home mortgage to get a degree that is worthless.

Who wins in the game of acupuncture:

  • Acupuncture schools
  • People in the continuing education racket
  • accrediting boards
  • purveyors of acupuncture related materials

I saw an online exchange recently that made me just shake my head.  Poster 1 posted her shock at how much she owed in student loans.  Poster 2 advised her not to worry and just sign up for IBR — that she did it and her payments are less than $200/month.

Photos of Poster 2 showed a woman in her late 40s/early 50s.  Is Poster 2 aware that she is announcing to the world that she earns less than $20K/year??  Don’t be THAT WOMAN ( a majority of acupuncture students are female).  Run, don’t walk, from acupuncture school if financial security holds any meaning for you.


One response to this post.

  1. My wife is one of the students that was given false promises by PCOM. She is/we are in debt and out of student loan money to go back and get a career that can make money. I’m interested in the possibility of a class action lawsuit. I would love to get in contact with you and discuss it! Thanks!


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